An incremental game about pressurizing a large tank. Submission for IGJ 2024.

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Some kind of display bug with the text overflowing from one upgrade onto or over the upgrade below it. 

When buying 10 of  Gas pump, it sends the amount to Gas Tele, or something. And Heater 2 buys by 10 on click.

Loved it!


It was enjoyable. Thanks :)

When you hit more than 100 or some item it will break the interface.

I encourage you to play my little game which is still in deep development:

See you!

Awwwww I have a singularity of argon now. It's adorable I love it <3

Nothing in this game seems to matter other than the Argon. Would be better if volume and temperature did things other than being part of the ending.

They do, the heater 1 and heater 2 increase the temperature, and reducing the volume increases the pressure. Both of these mean that less argon is necessary to create the singularity. It tells you P = nRT/V, P is pressure, n is moles of gas (that you are increasing), R is a constant, T is the temperature which increases with heater upgrades, and V is volume which you decrease. All of this increases P, a minimum amount of which is required to complete the game.

That's what I was referring to as being 'part of the ending.' You barely have to care about those until after you've gotten to the end of progression. They impact nothing other than P, which does nothing other than trigger the ending.

Hmm yeah, I see your point now. I mean the goal of the game is to pressurise the tank, but yeah it would be good to do something else with them.